Successful in energy transition. The dynamics of change
International symposium, Lille, 20 -21 January 2015
Call for papers
Organised by :
Helga SCARWELL, Professor, TVES-Lille 1,
Divya LEDUCQ, Docent, PIMENT-La Réunion,
Annette GROUX, Professor, TVES-Lille 1,
1 Successful in energy transition:
the dynamics of change
Conference presentation
This international conference, to be held in Lille on 20th and 21th January 2015, aims to
contribute to the debate of ideas generated by a number of actions which seek to balance
the energy transition and development of territories.
Location of the International Symposium: Lille
Duration of the conference (two days): 20 and 21 January 2015
Proceedings of the symposium
Oral papers selected will be proposed for publication in the conference proceedings, which
take the form of a special issue of journal and a collective volume with a peer committee.
The edition is scheduled for publication close to the conference. Full papers must be sent no
later than 1st September 2014.
Call for papers
Ecological transition, given to the Rio+20 Summit in June 2012, seems to be at the heart of
the structural reform agendas of States. The concept of ecological transition will lead to
simultaneous implementation of several objectives based on the reduction of greenhouse
gas emissions, promoting renewable energy, incentives for efficiency and energy economy,
while questioning our needs. In France, this question has focused on the problem of energy
transition presented at the Environmental Conference held in Paris in September 2012
which mobilized media attention, like the launch of the States-General of the ecology (the
so-called “Grenelle de l’environnement”). Do we not observe a semantic drift from
ecological transition to energy transition? More sober and neutral than to the greenhouse
effect, a source of increased energy independence, lifeline for the economy, the energy
transition appears as the third industrial revolution according to the words of J. Rifkin1
1 Jeremy Rifkin, 2012, La troisième révolution industrielle, Comment le pouvoir latéral va transformer l’énergie, l’économie et le monde, Paris : Les liens qui libèrent.
. The commitment of energy and ecological transition, in a context of crisis, is expected to
organize industrial sectors, transform territories and create jobs. Some do not hesitate to
prophesy that the energy transition will be tomorrow, the only feasible way to the (green)
economy: witness the « great national debate on energy transition » launched by the
Government in the wake of the environmental conference to reach main objectives of the
factor 4: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, 50% saving of energy consumption by 2050,
fossil fuel consumption reduced from 30% by 2030, and the diversification of energy mix
through the development of renewable energies. So far, it is necessary that the concept of
2 energy transition makes consensus, or we find a semantic vagueness in the use of the term
by different actors.
Arising from this positivist approach, since the beginning of the 21st century there has been a
resurgence of technical solutions, including applied “bioclimatic” across buildings to enable
savings on energy bills while taking into account the notions of comfort and uncertainties in
climate-building-user interactions. Thus, a wide range of useful technology has been
developed in thermal insulation of new buildings, energy renovation of old buildings,
recycling and recovery of waste, and finally, in eco -design of products such as “Cradle to
Cradle” programs. The climax of this technological development is reflected in the
promotion and media coverage of smart -grids and smart cities, but could other energy
efficiency models not live together? Indeed, action on technical systems also requires
effective upgrading of local knowledge in both scholarly and vernacular architecture to meet
social needs, particularly in habitat and housing. How to reconcile social housing for the
future and energy transition? The energy and economic developments, such are they now
the terms of sustainable development that should be articulated. Despite a strongly unifying
discourse, can the issues raised (economic, energy, environmental and climate crisis) be
resolved in the announcement of a mutation carrying for the development of technological
innovations, a competitive advantage for businesses, sources of jobs and improving the
purchasing power of consumers? Would the challenge not seek out for a non-transitory
break and terminate the policy directions and strategies that turn their backs (de Perthuis2,
2013) to initiate “a process of continuous and irreversible change
3 ”? Energy transition can’t be so disconnected from the ecological transition.
All human activity causes energy consumption, but the way human beings have mastered it
is at the foundation of our lifestyles and of the organization of our societies. Thus, because
the energy choices are the result of preceding political and economic choices for certain
energy sector, one will agree to recognize that “the developed techniques and deployed
infrastructures materialize modes of collective organization (…) engaging users in more or
less binding chains and in more or less strong dependency situations” against energy
(Rumpala, 20134
2 Christian de Perthuis, 2013, « La « transition énergétique » : Les ambiguïtés d’une notion à géométrie variable », Les Cahiers de la Chaire Economie du Climat, n° 21).
Therefore, the prospects opened by this debate are not trifling. They are
testing our methods of managing resources, our individual behavior, our collective
organizations and question our ways of today production and consumption. Without
neglecting the essential technological innovations – inherent in the modernization of society
– energy transition should be the subject for an economy of sobriety which only the local
communities and individuals hold the key. Indeed, does not the standing actuality of the
energy transition problem question more our behavior, our total consumption and the
health of the planet? Similarly, favorable context to the implementation of local initiatives
for sustainable development entails enthusiastic and compelling speech on the energy
transition, too often seen only through technological innovations and not as the emergence
of new possibilities to social level (Raineau, 2011; Zélem and Beslay, 2013). Does the
3 Conclusion de la deuxième Conférence environnementale du quinquennat par le Premier ministre Jean-Marc Ayrault
« L’enjeu n’est pas de rechercher une rupture toujours éphémère et trop vite oubliée, mais bien d’enclencher une dynamique
de changement continue et irréversible ».
4 Yannick Rumpala, « Formes alternatives de production énergétique et reconfigurations politiques. La sociologie des
énergies alternatives comme études des potentialités de réorganisation du collectif », Flux n° 92, p. 47-61.
3 commitment to ecological transition not allow the profound transformation of all our
models and our individual and collective behavior? In this perspective, the issue of energy
transition then focuses on redefining the terms of access to resources, risk sharing, the
ability to integrate environmental issues for collective evolving in multiple, scalable and
interaction institutional environments (natural, social, political, administrative, expertise … ).
It also questions our individual responsibility because there are no small actions for the
planet “when we are 60 million to do it” (advertising slogan of MEDDE, 2011). Can we not
believe that insignificance at the individual level could have a significant impact on the
collective level?
Beyond these individual actions – that would transform the collective organization – and
beyond the very general statements of intent, would it not be appropriate to examine the
intermediate and multi-scalar level of spatial planning to measure the potential energy
transition in urban and rural areas? Attention should also be given more precisely in
essential control of land which, in the same way as energy is a finite and expensive resource.
Not only in the framework of planning operations, but also in the development activities,
these questions are relevant through the issues of the ideal degree of densification of the
city center and exploitation of the brown fields. What could be the new forms of
organization of our cities and our territories? Which new life organizations? Finally, how to
implement the transverse energy transition policy as mainstream in all the territorial and
secotoral policies? In other words, what are the implications for land use scenario
(NégaWatt 5, 2012)? In addition, how to foster the emergence of environmentally
responsible or self-efficient energy business parks? What would be the consequences of this
new planning under various networks of transport – individual and collective? In fact, rural
areas that have plenty of land would perhaps also present bigger energy potential? These
questions include the issue of energy in the heart of a political, strategic and systemic
commitment to sustainable development of territories.
Furthermore, why not also mention the legal and financial tools may constitute levers
energy transition and encourage dynamics of change? Will tools now in place – households
prime, tax credits, reduced VAT, guarantee fund, support for third party funders, support
sector structuring, taking into account the thermal performance of building works – be
sufficient to ensure financial sustainability of the energy transition?
This colloquium is held under the « Researchers – Citizens Programme », an original funding
device initiated by the Region Nord-Pas de Calais to finance research programs involving
collaboration between laboratories and non-profit associations. It aims to contribute to the
debate generated by a number of actions which seek to balance the energy transition and
territorial development ideas. Of course, communications will not be limited by provided
studies for the lands of Nord Pas -de- Calais. Indeed, we expect presentations on situations
outside this region and France that will be useful approaches to the burgeoning debate
around energy transition. Presentations will not be limited to a strictly descriptive analysis,
but they will present theoretical, operational approaches (applied research) and professional
5 Manifeste Négawatt, 2012, Réussir la transition énergétique, Paris : Actes Sud, 376 p.
4 We want to give an international dimension to this symposium. Therefore, communications
in English are welcome. Finally, a workshop in the form of round table will be reserved for
In this conceptual framework, communication proposals could include the following themes
and issues – as examples and non- exclusive basis:
1. The definition of the energy transition, its implications in terms of
categories of actors, as well as its translation into legal, economic, political
discourses…, and its semantic elasticity
– How does the relevance of this concept reflect an increased consideration of ecology?
– What can we expect from the energy transition?
– What are the content and limits of the concept of energy transition?
2. The current implementation of the transition and its limits in the answer it
gives to the imperatives of energy sobriety and economic or environmental
– How energy transition can be seen as a dynamic of change and not confined to its technical
– How new technological developments can contribute to a redistribution of opportunities
and correlation with social reorganization?
– Planning law for the energy transition?
3. A prospective vision of what could be tomorrow’s energy transition in
developing perspectives taking into account the individual, technology and
– Today, the process of energy transition is questioned essentially from a technical point of
view: however, energy transition is primarily a social issue. What is therefore a social
inclusion of technologies? The issue of lifestyle is posed again more than the issue of
– Would not it be better to look at the different forms of energy? Changing culture rather
than technology?
– Energy transition: what are the leverages for change? How to rethink the whole community
through the transition?
– What is the relevance of the energy transition to the level of the individual or the plot?
4. Legal and financial tools of the energy transition
– How to ensure sustainable financing of the transition?
– Who should make efforts sobriety in the great debate on energy saving?
Scientific Committee (paper proposals will be submitted for review)
– Marie-Christine ZÉLEM, Professor of sociology, CERTOP-CNRS UMR 5044, University
Toulouse II
– Hassan PEERHOSSAINI, Professor, Head of PIERI – Paris Interdisciplinary Energy Research
Insitute, University of Paris Diderot
5 – Charles RAUX, Director of LET (CNRS-University of Lyon – ENTPE)
– Jean-Claude GATINA, Professor, University of Reunion Island, Research unit PIMENT
– Jian ZHUO, Associate professor, Tongji University, CAUP, Shanghai
– Christophe BESLAY, Associated Docent, BESCB, University of Toulouse-le Mirail
– Mathieu LE DÛ, Research , Virage Énergie
– Alain GRAS, Professor of sociology, Centre d’Etudes des Sciences Sociales de la Défense,
Université de Paris 1
– Christophe GOUPIL, Professor ENSICAEN, PIERI, UMR 8236, University of Paris Diderot
– Laétitia ADÉLARD, Docent-HDR, University of Reunion Island, Research unit PIMENT
– Dominique DESJEUX, Anthropologist, Professor, University of Paris Descartes – Sorbonne
Paris city
– Stéphane BALY, Association Virage Énergie
Quatre personnes sont encore attendues.
1st March 2014: Launch of the call for papers in French and English
April 30, 2014: Submission of abstracts according to the model attached. Editorial
constraints are not the same for academics/researchers and professionals
1stJune 2014: Response to speakers
1st September 2014: Sending imperative complete texts by selected speakers
30th September, 2014: Back assessments (acceptance and possible corrections to the
publication of the collective work)
30th October, 2014: Submission of final papers for publication
Proposals for papers and full papers should be sent simultaneously to the
three coordinators of the conference
– Helga Jane SCARWELL, Professor, University of Lille 1, Research unit TVES,
– Divya LEDUCQ, Associate professor, University of Reunion island, Research unit PIMENT,
– Annette GROUX, Professor, University of Lille 1, Research unit TVES,
All participants in the Symposium Lille in January 2015 are required to be registered,
whatever are their statuses – speakers, officers, chairpersons, discussants or visitors. When
you will register, you could select thematic sections you wish to attend.
Fees to be paid before October 30, 2014: 160 Euros
This unique package includes two lunches, snacks and editorial publication costs.