2015 04, un scoop sur l’histoire du marketing
Stefan SCHWARZKOPF, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School, invité à l’EHESS du 19 au 22 mai 2015, y présentera deux séminaires.
Vous y êtes cordialement invité-e-s.
Merci de faire circuler cette information autour de vous! (Et pardon pour les doublons!)
Market Research and Political Ideology
Mercredi 20 mai 2015, de 15h à 17h, Salle 1, RDC, bât. Le France, 190-198 avenue de France, 75013 Paris
“This seminar introduces a new way of reading the history of market and consumer research since 1900. Instead of interpreting market and consumer research merely as a response to the needs of commercial actors, like manufacturers and retailers, this seminar will focus on the political ideologies that influenced the making of this professional field in the United States as opposed to Europe. Surprisingly, we find that both American and European market and consumer researchers did not always abide by the ‘ideo-logic’ of neoliberalism and its various predecessors. More often, they used their research practices to promote more social-democratic, at times even socialist, political aims which included consumer protection, education and general socio-economic equality. It might be argued, though, that market and consumer researchers of all ideological proveniences were essentially – to quote Carl Schmitt – political romanticists.”
The Theopolitics of Markets
Vendredi 22 mai 2015, de 11h à 13h, Salle 1, RDC, bât. Le France, 190-198 avenue de France, 75013 Paris
“Following on from the seminar on marketing and political ideology, this seminar aims at discovering an as yet hidden connection between specifically protestant religious sentiments on the one hand, and the modernization of marketing management since 1900 on the other hand. This hidden connection I call the ‘theopolitics of markets’. It can be shown that virtually all early American marketing management thinkers and marketing practitioners, including opinion pollsters and market researchers, had strong roots in Protestant sects (Wesleyan Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians). Key figures in the American movement to create wider acceptance for marketing as a ‘science’, and for advertising as a modern communication means, were either lay preachers themselves or sons of Protestant and/or Reformed preachers from the mid-West. Historical research of this kind provides us with key insights into possible explanations for why a customer-driven market ideology shares so many characteristics of a secular religion.”
Contact : Marie Chessel (chessel@ehess.fr) – Stefan Schwarzkopf (ssc.mpp@cbs.dk)